top 8 steps inner peaceAlong the journey of life we all might have come across some just incredibly unflappable people. The calmness they exhibit in the most testing times astounds you! Anger is an alien word to them. Not everyone is blessed with that kind of equanimity. What makes these people unique is their Self Awareness, their acceptance of who they are!Self-Awareness is about discovering who you really are and what you truly believe in! For some people, this is as clear as day but for others, it can take years of striving before you feel good in your own skin. Knowing your inner self takes effort and time. Here are few ways of discovering your inner self
1) Accept What you can’t change: NOT everything in the world is in your control. Sometimes we need to know when it’s time to Turn a Page, or to close the book forever! Rather than resisting and fighting, just stop struggling. Resistance blocks energy and creativity. How can you find a solution when you are flailing about and tensed up?.
2)Choose Wisely: The power to choose which differentiates you from rest of the animal race. Choose your ways and take your decisions with aware consciousness. Choose to do what you do with purest of your intentions. Choose to respond than react!
3)Do What you are passionate about: Pick up something which keeps you LIVE! Pursue an activity which clears & enlightens your mind. Choose the things that relax you & in so doing, you will find out the kind of person you really are. Doesn’t matter your profession and passion are different. One can manage to pursue both and the one who does lives
4)Choose a role model: Choose a role model or a person who inspires you or motivates you. This will provide you a sense of motivation to put in that extra bit!
5)Be yourself& Know what rattles your Cage: Use positive affirmations every day to reassure your doubting self that you are a great person and that you will achieve a lot during your lifetime. What makes you bristle or pushes your buttons? There’s a reason you react, and understanding the truth behind these feelings is the first step in addressing the problem or letting it go. Keep asking yourself, “Why do I feel this way?” until you know the real answer. Then deal with the answer directly.
6)The self-dialogue: This will help you to know yourself more better and get all your stress out. This will also help you know your limits and how much you can push yourself.
7)Forgive& Forget:We waste too much time and energy holding grudges in life. Forgive & Forget, learn to get yourself to term with what happened & what is done is done. We end up doing more harm holding all that inside of us ,it time you LET GO!

Spend time in nature
8) Spend time in nature: We spend so much time confined in buildings of steel and concrete that we quickly forget where we come from. A walk in the forest,or a simple stroll give so much peace. It reconnects you to the eternal natural principles of love, giving, kindness and hope!