We welcomed the year 2015 shaking our legs and gyrating our bodies to the beats of the DJ but a couple of months into the brand New Year and we are already wriggling out thumbs on the changes we wanted to bring in our lifestyles. We have the smartest of the Smart Phones but we are still losing to Snoozing.
While we have already turned to pages of the Calendar and as I write this the Budget 2015 would be blaring on your TV screens. For the next couple days, you will eat, breathe, drink, walk-talk, crib-complain and even cry your lungs hoarse suggesting your own better version of the Budget. By now your list of New Year Resolutions might have taken a further setback… Your list was fairly ambitious: Loose fifteen kgs, begin to exercise, get a promotion, make more time for family, eat healthier food, find a better job etc.
If you haven’t got their already, give your resolutions another fighting chance. You can still live the life you determined to live this financial year by knowing what was stopping your growth.
- [su_frame align=”right”]Eat the entire elephant at once: Most of us make that blunder while writing down New Year Resolutions. We intend to be more than we can chew. We are prisoners of habit and that is why it is so difficult to get out of our comfort zones and break our shackles.[/su_frame]
Remember this amazing adage, “It takes about 10 years to become an overnight success.” Take small steps to get where you need to get. For instance, if you are planning to lose weight, you cannot change your diet overnight. You begin in sections. Start with having a healthy breakfast for a week until you feel settled in and then make other changes in your eating regime.
2. [su_frame align=”right”]No one Night Stands: Transformations are not one night stands but a marriage… something that you will stick to for the rest of your life. Changes don’t happen overnight and dramatic ones that are part of a new-year resolution definitely don’t. Personal growth is an ongoing process and not a part of an annual agenda. Give yourself a reasonable timeframe to transform into the person you want to become.[/su_frame]
3. [su_frame align=”right”]Imagination is everything: The life changing book ‘The secret’ uses this magical lines to open one of their chapters in the book. Most people fail to fulfil their dreams r meet their goals because they fail to possess a vision to get to their destination. Create a vision of what you want your year or the life of your dreams t to look and feel like. [/su_frame]
A vision board is a great way to do this. Writing things down in a journal also works well. You are more likely to reach a goal that you write down or visualize than one that stays only in your head. Also writing down things in black and white makes you more accountable. Furthermore if yu are really determined to reach your goal, you can find a mentor-buddy who keeps following it up with you, encouraging and appreciating you in your ups and holding and comforting you in your lows until finally you reach your goal.
Once you get your mind and soul connected to your goal, everything else will fall into place. Here’s wishing you a phenomenally fruitful 2015! And we are not late to pour in the New Year wishes; beginning is where old habits and rotten beliefs end. Cheers to a new beginning for your Resolutions 2015.