We by nature are social creatures, born on the earth s that we can fulfill our human purpose of being worthy to our fellow travelers on this journey called life. Proverbs were our constant companion in school. Whether read out aloud in the school assembly as ‘thought for the day’ or scribbled on the top of the black-board, proverbs have been an integral element of our student like. Some proverbs even made their way in Essay writing or Elocution competitions or English examination in the essay-writing section. One such proverb was ‘Charity begins at home’. Even back then our little minds were made to ponder over a statement so profound that even as grown-ups we have failed to internalize or even understand in the first place. ‘Charity begins at home’ is such a misinterpreted proverb. Psychologist, social researcher and well known author Hugh Mackay also asserts that ‘Charity begins at home’ are indeed a wonderful proverb but its true meaning is often misinterpreted.
Modem life leaves us with little scope to step into the shoes of others and try to feel where it actually pricks. We refuse to see anything beyond the narrow scope of our vested interests. We often turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the pleas and needs of those around us. Charity is a manifestation of this love,the love of people. Lord Rama, Mohommad itself to giving alms.[
It is more of going beyond the realms of materialism and reaching out to a soul on an emotional and spiritual zone. It is more about leading by example so that others follow suit. Mackay in his writings also mentions that a good life is the life lived for others. It’s a life lived according to this fundamental moral principal; that we should treat other people the way we would like to be treated ourselves. That we should put other people’s happiness ahead of our own and not pursue our own happiness.
While instilling a moral value system in our children, learning about the importance of and giving charity should be a part of the modern value system. It’s like narrating the fable, ‘I cried and complained that I did not have shoes until I saw a man who did not have feet.’ Through examples like this we can make children realize in their early years the importance of gratitude and thankfulness along with teaching them to reach out to those who are less privileged than them. Furthermore, the extent to which you are engaged in helping and uplifting those around you is truly a very big measure of the extent to which you are living a really fulfilling and grateful life.