[su_highlight]God is able to do above all that we can ask or even think (Ephesians 3:20) and will do it when we stand strong on His word and have faith that He will do what His word says He will do. Always be encouraged and know that when you feel overwhelmed with life’s problems, the Lord is always available to reach out and help. Simply call out to Him in faith believing and ask for it. (Mark 11:23).[/su_highlight]
These powerful words from The Bible are soul-stirring. Life-changing and the popular best-seller ‘The Secret’ too hold the power of faith high and upright. One of the lines in the book talking from Biblical point of view mentions, “Ask and you shall receive.” It’s as simple as that. Only the baby that cries the loudest gets the bottle of milk and all the attention of the mother. No matter what he mother is doing she leaves everything to tend to the child and caters to his needs.
The same goes with life. Unless you ask for something you will never get it. Also it is more important that your desire be backed with your conviction. Without conviction your desires and beliefs are a house without a foundation. Without being fully convinced that what you want will materialize, it is unlikely that you will take the steps necessary to make it happen. Remember faith can move mountains.
When you truly madly and deeply believe in something is going to happen, you get prepared, you start taking the right action, start making some major changes and taking some big chances.
You have to see the mental imagery of your goal and keep the faith that you will soon be living your dream. Like Martin Luther King, Jr puts it, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Imagine holding a lamp and walking in a long dark tunnel unaware of what lies ahead but knowing in your heart that you shall soon reach the light of your dreams. All you can see in the faint light of the lamp is a few inches of the road and all you need to do is keep walking as the light and the path lead you. Before you know, your perseverance, self-belief, conviction and faith will help you discover the light at the end of the tunnel.
[su_highlight] Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it is still dark. Rabindranath Tagore[/su_highlight]