I came across many students and had curiosity to know that what career they desire to opt? And I am not at all shocked to hear the repeated popular answers, Engineer, Doctor, Architect, CA and more one or two common one. Do you think that these are the only career options available? The sky lies beyond once reach. In the same way there are many fields that are still unknown but have great demand. All you need is knowledge about the field.
I will make you friendly with one of the fields today. This career is Digital Marketing.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is nothing but work to initiate effective marketing campaigns online. A career in digital marketing typically involves using social media search engine optimization (SEO) in order to sell products, brands or ideas. It is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media that differs from traditional marketing in that it uses channels and methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time.
Digital marketers monitor things like what is being viewed, how often and for how long, sales conversions, what content works and doesn’t work, etc. While the Internet is, perhaps, the channel most closely associated with digital marketing, others include wireless text messaging, mobile instant messaging, mobile apps, podcasts, electronic billboards, digital television and radio channels, etc.
Why does Digital Marketing even exist?
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your online marketing efforts. Businesses leverage digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, and their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers. So this makes things quite simple that nowadays each online website wants to reach at a higher level where their audience can reach them out easily. Digital Marketing helps to find and reach the digital marketing audience.
We all are well aware about the growing craze of internet. In few clicks clicks and clicks we have required things at our door step. Now, as the websites are increasing, the competitions between them are also increasing. Therefore, to walk unique from the crowd digital marketing has come up. It has set of functions that helps the website to reach the audience and vice versa. Therefore, demand of this field has now increased tremendously.
Thinking on the same aspect I too thought of choosing this as a career because people spend twice as much time online as they used to 12 years ago. And while we say it a lot, the way people shop and buy really has changed, meaning offline marketing isn’t as effective as it used to be. Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means that you need to meet them where they are already spending time, ‘on the internet’. This thought gave a kick to start with this option as a career.
The demand of this field is actually beyond the limitations and when compared to other fields like engineering and MBBS, it has no recession, less of money investment, less years of education and you can earn equivalent to them. Yes, it is the truth. I took much of the time to understand this but it is great if you can understand this as early as possible.
The Scope & The reach of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is becoming main stream in India. Until 2010, many businesses did not take digital marketing seriously. They were not ready to change and were stuck with traditional marketing practices. Before digital marketing became main stream, freelancers and entrepreneurs were able to get the first mover advantage. People who did good content marketing and search engine marketing were able to scale up the business very fast. Traditional companies did not even know what digital marketing was.
Everyday more companies are waking up to the fact that digital marketing is very important and is not an optional strategy in marketing anymore. They are catching up late, but they have to catch up, there is no other option. This shift in marketing practice is giving rise to a huge opportunity in digital marketing jobs. Times of India had reported that Digital Marketing will create 1.5 Lakh jobs in India by 2017.
6 things one need to have to become Digital Marketer
Stay Updated
You need to keep on top of industry news by following major digital marketing sites and influential people on social media. As the major players such as Google, Facebook and Twitter regularly tweak their paid advertising platforms and algorithms, you’re in for a wild ride if you don’t keep on top of the latest changes. You need to have knowledge of SEO, SEM, PPC and content writing. Don’t get worried, the information of all these is easily available on the internet.
Eagerness to learn
The digital marketing industry is both fast growing and incredibly competitive. It’s easy for businesses to differentiate between candidates who have the willingness to learn, and who are along for the ride. This industry requires passion and a desire to succeed.
Personal Projects
Try out your own ideas and don’t just treat industry leaders’ opinions as gospel. Everything isn’t always black and white in the digital marketing industry with many grey areas between best practice and what can actually get results for a business. Every digital marketer should have personal projects to test out theories, try their hand at multiple disciplines (SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content Marketing etc.) and be able to take accountability for the success or failure of a project.
Learn the terminology
Digital marketers need to be comfortable with acronyms such as PPC, SEM and SEO. They are all very different terms with a misunderstanding of them being a clear sign that you have a beginner’s skill set and need further training. The ability to analyse digital marketing campaigns and understand what elements worked or not is dependent on your complete ability.
Metrics are King
Do you know your CPC from your CPA? If you want to set yourself apart in an interview, talk about the return on ad spends for a campaign you’ve run yourself. It’s easy to talk about an exciting creative concept you’ve helped to develop but the fact remains…money talks. You really need to understand how each marketing channel has performed and what the key learning have been.
If you really want to stand out from your peers in the industry, completing a certified digital marketing course will help. One of the issues facing the digital marketing industry is that there are no barriers to entry, meaning that anyone with a loose grasp of industry terminology can potentially get a position in a company.
Limitations and Challenges in the field of Digital Marketing
The biggest limitation is awareness of Internet. Not even 50% of Indian crowd is into the phase of internet. Shopping from the websites is a next big question. Apart from this, if you are choosing an online company to work with, you need to be sure about their existence. When it comes to monetary terms, the company can be proved as a fraud one. It’s a risk when it comes to online working. You can surely overcome this by reading the reviews of the company and then work for them.
The child should be the one choosing his own career. It is better to expose him in making decisions at a young age so that it will not be difficult for him in the future. He will be more exposed to experience and will not be afraid to take risk. Are you afraid of failure? Why? Everybody experiences it. Even Thomas Edison failed many times for an incandescent bulb. So I say, the child will choose his career. Let the child decide which is the best field where there can expel. There are many engineers and doctors still without a job or not earning that well. Why do you want your child to be one of them?
As the demand of this field is increase, you should not be worried for the job security. The salary range of such digital marketing experts is from 15 to 20 Lakhs INR per annum. But it can go as high as 40 Lakhs plus equity in certain companies and as low as 8 lakhs per annum in very small startups. I think this says enough about the growth of the employee. It is a never ending field so there is no question of recession. With every year of growth the employee will experience growth in his field.