The term Disha is derived from a Sanskrit word which literally means direction. A great man once said, “In this world it doesn’t matter about where you stand, but what matters is what direction you are moving in.” You may be simply standing at the starting point of your race, ready to take off, but if you choose not to move at all or stop running in the race altogether. What would matter really is how far you go. The finish line is relative and an over-rated concept.
The above mentioned metaphoric fits really well when to comes to choosing a career. For a student, the direction to choose a good career path is imperative. Shantanu Gune, the founder of Srujan Consultants, JagarManacha, has identified this need very well and decided to take it upon himself to drive in the change through a career guidance seminar called ‘Finding Direction after Std. 10th’. This enlightening talk was organized on March 30, Monday at 6pm in the evening at ‘Vishakha’ Sabhagruha, Kusumagraj Pratishthanla.
This was a humble and noble effort towards changing the perspectives of the students as well as their parents. Even in the past, Srujan Consultants have earned a name for themselves by organizing numerous lectures as well as workshops to enlighten students about the importance of delving within themselves, gaining an insight and having a perspective. Gune’s talk were precious pearls on knowledge that enlightened the students of the city. He like a good philosopher and guide helped students to find their potential, identify ones strength and weaknesses as one sets to walk the career path.
The highlights of the programme stressed upon a lot of important pointers. Firstly, the students were posed with the question, what is a successful career? They were made to understand that it is not merely getting good marks. What follows is getting an admission to a reputed college, getting a good job and being successful in it and last but not the least achieving excellence in whatever field one chooses. Also the Gune spoke about how choosing the right career based on one’s true potential is a major challenge and to overcome this challenge, the students would have to go beyond talent and work on their attitude and perspectives. Finally, a good career decision is a combination of four things which are IQ, EQ, abilities and orientation and lastly, multiple intelligence.
Simply moving ahead is a wasted effort, while moving ahead in the right ‘Disha’ could truly make a difference to your journey.